Tuesday 29 September 2015

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane....

With our time in Dublin nearly up there are always those last minute moments you want to relive. Simple things like just one more visit to the "Queen of Tarts", one last trip to the Cobblestone or one last bike ride. 3 months seems like a long time but time goes all too quickly!
On our last weekend in Dublin, it was time to sell our bikes.  We had previously asked whether the local bike shop was interested in buying our bikes and so it was just a formality in leaving them complete with bike locks and my WWII German war relic helmet. We then caught the bus into town for some last minute shopping.

With purchases in hand we had our last opportunity to visit the Queen of Tarts and partake in their delicious, sweet and moist carrot cake. We were not disappointed!
That evening we headed off to the Cobblestone to hear Dermot play. I love the traditional music of Ireland, the friendliness of the people and their ability to have a good time! After a Guinness or two ( or in my case a wine) we headed off to dinner with Dermot, Tara and Helen to Baritalia one of the first restaurants we had experienced in Dublin. Once again  we were not disappointed. As usual the food here and company was great. Although we would have the opportunity to catch up with Dermot in Rio and in the new year in Australia this was our last chance to farewell Tara and  Helen.
The following day, ignoring the weather forecast,  we decided to relive our previous experience of 2012 and go to Phoenix Park for a tandem bike ride. If only it was possible to ride a bike while holding an umbrella! While the ride started out ok, with us riding through the park at breakneck speed, past the President of Ireland's residence, stopping to watch the herd of fallow deer that inhabit the park and having a picnic in the grounds near the visitor centre, the heavens soon opened. Extremely wet and soggy we conceded defeat and returned our bikes to the hire place.

All that was left now when we returned to the apartment was some last minute cleaning and packing, and a last dinner at The Yacht.

And so it is time to sign off on my blog. We have had 14 weeks in Ireland and travels abroad. I have loved every minute of it and have seen and experienced some wonderful places and people. We head home via London, Rio de Janeiro and Santiago, a little fitter and with wonderful memories.

We look forward to seeing family and friends and saving up for another adventure!

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