Wednesday 4 July 2012

Rain,rain and more rain

Always pack a raincoat and an umbrella. That is the first lesson of life in Ireland. I stepped out on Tuesday, deciding to take a walk towards the marina. It started to lightly rain and I thought this is ok. Then it started to rain a little harder and I still thought this will be ok. Then of course the heavens opened and I thought Oh Dear! I returned home to dry off and set off again, this time fully prepared but of course the sun shone and I got hot. Yesterday, Wednesday, I went up to the shops to buy a few groceries. As usual bought more than I intended and then had to carry them home. In my distress of the load I was carrying I returned to the apartment and slipped the key into the lock but it wouldn't work. I tried all different keys and combinations only to find I was trying to get into someone else's apartment. Safely inside I had only a short time to compose myself before I set off to meet Dolores. We were taking the train to Howth to go to the fish markets and have lunch. Howth is a very pretty seaside town where the mist rolls in over the mountains. And that is exactly what it did. The fishing boats were unloading and the seals swam alongside the boats looking for their share of the catch. The wind blew but the Seafood Chowder did the trick. On my return I thought I was being very clever at disembarking at a station closer to home but of course went right and not left and walked in the completely wrong direction. A half hour extra walk was always in the new exercise plan! I had a great day with Dolores and we look forward to another day out together soon. Off to the university soon to meet David for lunch. Girls arrive tomorrow. Anne

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