Sunday 1 July 2012

A busy weekend

What a busy weekend it has been. Lots of eating, drinking, music and sightseeing! Saturday began with a lazy start. It was then off to the city to do some sightseeing. We rode the hop on hop off bus to get our bearings of the city which got us caught in the middle of the LGBT Festival( gay, lesbian bisexual and transgender ). Once we cleared the parade we walked throught the city to the Dublinia exhibition. This showed Dublin through the medieval period. This was a great exhibit and very interesting. We then walked to the cathedral to go to mass. After this we were in need of some refreshment so headed for the Cobblestone. This was all very quiet so walked towards Temple Bar where we had entree at the Merchant Arch, main at Finnigans and desert ( minus the food) at the The Stags Head. each venue had music and we particularly enjoyed the traditional music at the Stags Head. Today we have spent the day with Paul and Dolores (Paul is also here in the same capacity as David). We caught the Dart to Greystone where we had lunch and then did the 7 km walk along the coastline to Bray. It was very scenic, with steep cliffs dropping down to the water. Apparently dolphins could be seen but we were not so lucky. The weather behaved so we were able to almost complete the walk without the rain hindering us. The train ride home was eventful as it broke down. Fortunately it was fixed without too much of a delay. The train took us to a stop close to where we are living so after all the walking it was an easy down hill walk to the shops to get some thing for dinner and then on home. We are looking forward to Emma and Rebecca arriving later in the week and have planned a weekend in the country for next weekend. Until then, Anne.

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