Friday 3 July 2015

"They're Back" (spoken in the voice from Poltergeist, after a Guinness or two!)

Its such a pain that Australia is so far from Europe!  30 hours of flying with 14 hours of those with a very young child who coughed every 3 seconds. Thank goodness for David's access to the Business Club lounges where a shower revived the spirits.
Outside our apartment block
We've arrived to blue skies and a comfortable 20 degrees. Apparently Dublin had its summer the day before we arrived when the temperature was 26 degrees. 
Prior to us leaving Sydney, David emailed the owner of the apartment, John O'Connell, to let him know the time we were due to arrive and to arrange the collection of the keys. Fortunately, David checked his email whilst we waited at Heathrow for our connecting flight to Dublin. Three emails or should I say clues had been sent to give the information about the whereabouts of the key. 
Emails 1 and 2 (Clues 1 and 2 ) were photos of the garden at the front of the apartment block. Email/Clue 3 gave a description of where we needed to dig in the garden to find the key. You have got to love the Irish! Very tricky Mr O'Connell!
Back at the Merchant's Arch
So now we have phones and bank accounts sorted out and have visited one of our favourite pubs. David is organising a bike so he can ride to work. We have been out walking to check everything is still where we thought it should be from our previous visit and have planned our weekend. We are looking forward to the coastal walk from Greystone to Bray followed by meeting Dermot at the Cobblestone for some Irish music.
And for everyone at Holy Cross... not an Angry Bird in sight!
Stay tuned for more installments of Anne's Dublin Dalliance 2!!!

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